Monday, September 6, 2010

畑素人バイク ノリオが初出荷!!First selling my pumpkins.



こちらは、委託販売と買取の2つの方法があり委託販売は手数料として売上金の18%を店に納める。残りは自分の取り分だそうです。いディールですな!!だけど、春から秋までは定期的に何らかの野菜を持ってきてくれないと委託販売はできないとの事でした。という事で、買取ってもらうことになりました。価格は、大きいの200円、中が150円、小が100円というシンプルな価格設定。どうせあまったかぼちゃ君達です。喜んで勝手頂きました。領収証にスーパーの名前、但し書きは野菜代、自分の住所と名前、印鑑を押してお金と交換。野菜で初めてのお取引です!!僕にとっては、Good Dealでした。
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I sold my pumkins to supermaket! This is first time to do this.So I am very happy.
I didn't  know anything about selling vegitables,so at first I phoned Japanese agricultural cooperative association(we call them JA).They said I must be a member of JA.OK.I under stand what they say,so I asked them how much does it cost to be your  memeber??It cost ¥15,ooo.uhnnn,I don't agree that amount.
so I hang up the phone gentry and call one of famous supermarket in this pref.

The supermarket is very gentle,They don't need any money to sell my veggi.They bought my pumkins so easly,and amount is Big ¥200 mid¥150 Small ¥100.This is very simple.and If I can sell them any veggis from spring to autum,I can entrust veggis and they sell and I can get money 82%,18% is their commission.
I think this is good deal!!Maybe next year I will this way.
Anyway I was so happy yesterday.Thank you for the earth.I didn't do anything.I just sprinkled seeds that's all.The earth brought up veggis.What a wonderful world and perfect earth.

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