Sunday, September 19, 2010

Maybe I found the new field! 見つけたかも新しい畑。

I found the new vegi field maybe....I have to negotiate to the owner.
I found it by intenet.this is huge for us.This is 2300㎡ big.I had a phone from the owner,and we are going to meet him 2nd of october.I don't know how it goes.
This land is not far from us,about 10minutes by walk.
and This not just for vegetables,Rice feild is include.Rice is very important for Japanese People,but hard to get organic one,because one of agricultural cooperative association monopolized the market by Japanese stupid low.So I want to make own rice by oraganic style.This is exciting,Don't you think so?? I think this is miracle,because ususally we can't find them so early.but anyway I don't know how much does it cost for a month or for a year.Please pray for  I can rent this land easly and reasonable.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

plant seeds and relation with Moon.

I wrote anout Full moon a few days ago,I will write about more tonight.
Circulated agri style is similer with biodynamics.If you interestied in biodaynamics please chech it out,but this is for Europe climate so I don't know that works for the other area.

It is very interseting.Leaf veges(chinese cabbage(we call hakusai),radish,komatsuna,spinach etc...,) needs 3days for germinate.
So you should plant these seeds 3days before the Full moon.They gonna germinate to the moon.It is interesting.If you plant carot, They needs 2weeks for germinate,so we should plant them on Full moon,because it will be new moon 2weeks later.New moon mean,moon located in back side of the The Moon's gravitation will pull their roots and the reaf grow to the sun.So this is perfect timing.
I must explain about yin yang energy works sometime.This thought is very important for veges and all of us.

(This circulated styles thought is writen by Mr.Akamine.I join his lecture a few months ago.His farm is located in Kyushu in Japan.)

*If you have any opinion please put some comments!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Beatiful River in Yamanashi Japan.

This is 『Ojiragawa-Rever』in Yamanashi Pref where I live.
It's so beautiful water,nice and cold.One of Mineral water selling in Japan,that is made by this water.When I lived in Tokyo,I didn't know Japan has such a beautiful place like this.I think People should livin with nature.I had an Allergy with my nose but that problem is disappeared since I lived in countty side.
So I will Introduce Japanese good county side.If someone decide to move country somewhere from the city,I am very happy and The earth will appreciate your decision.

I'm going to bed.Good night everybody.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Luna calender for vegetables

I haven't been here for a week.Sorry for that.I want to talk about Luna calendar.
If you doing your own garden,you should use luna calendar.Old Japanese people(about more 100 years ago.It mean's  untill Samurai Generations!Acturally my mum' s ancester was Samurai.It's Amaging.Isn't it??)were using this calendars even Now fisherman and donig circulated farmers too.You should better planted seeds at full moon time,because moon's gravitation is important for germinate seeds.I think old people's were so clever.I agree with them!!Now I loose my vegi field because the owner of that field,she is old lady.She does't like growing weeds.She loves to use chemicals.I explained her how danger chemicals are,but she believes that grass kill the land.That's sad for earth. Now I am serching my new field.I think I will find soon!Please cheering me from over the world.

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Monday, September 6, 2010

畑素人バイク ノリオが初出荷!!First selling my pumpkins.



こちらは、委託販売と買取の2つの方法があり委託販売は手数料として売上金の18%を店に納める。残りは自分の取り分だそうです。いディールですな!!だけど、春から秋までは定期的に何らかの野菜を持ってきてくれないと委託販売はできないとの事でした。という事で、買取ってもらうことになりました。価格は、大きいの200円、中が150円、小が100円というシンプルな価格設定。どうせあまったかぼちゃ君達です。喜んで勝手頂きました。領収証にスーパーの名前、但し書きは野菜代、自分の住所と名前、印鑑を押してお金と交換。野菜で初めてのお取引です!!僕にとっては、Good Dealでした。
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I sold my pumkins to supermaket! This is first time to do this.So I am very happy.
I didn't  know anything about selling vegitables,so at first I phoned Japanese agricultural cooperative association(we call them JA).They said I must be a member of JA.OK.I under stand what they say,so I asked them how much does it cost to be your  memeber??It cost ¥15,ooo.uhnnn,I don't agree that amount.
so I hang up the phone gentry and call one of famous supermarket in this pref.

The supermarket is very gentle,They don't need any money to sell my veggi.They bought my pumkins so easly,and amount is Big ¥200 mid¥150 Small ¥100.This is very simple.and If I can sell them any veggis from spring to autum,I can entrust veggis and they sell and I can get money 82%,18% is their commission.
I think this is good deal!!Maybe next year I will this way.
Anyway I was so happy yesterday.Thank you for the earth.I didn't do anything.I just sprinkled seeds that's all.The earth brought up veggis.What a wonderful world and perfect earth.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

未来の食卓を見ました。I saw the movie that enfants nous accuseront.

そんな世界になればいいと思うし、僕がやる畑はやはりオーガニックにしないと意味がないなと改めて実感しました。是非見て欲しいです。⇒ 公式サイトです。

I saw the movie that Enfants nous accuseront.That is french mivie so I don't know the English title please look at ⇒

This movie is very interesting.One of  small village in france They tried to change school meals(kyu-shoku) all organic.If you see this movie you will notice how dengerous agricultural chemicals are! If foods are all organic,illness will almost diapper in the world I guess.So I must do organic farm Otherwise I should't do farm.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Over grown wih weeds

I grow up these grass,because I want to do circulate way.These grass will return to the earth and give nutrition too.What  a great planet the earth is.
However Japanese old generation people belive the farm needs agricultural chemicals and even does't need grass too.They belive Japan agricultural cooperative association(we call JA).What do you think?We don't need any chemicals on our land.They kill our land,but old people especially traditional farmer think the farm needs chemicals.
They don't know what's JA is.JA sell harmful chemicals and kill the land so land needs nutrition,then sell many chemical nutrition so they made so huge profit.Therefore,my teacher of this farm she is 85years old.She wants to sprinkled chemicals,but I don't.And she does't understand this theory,or maybe she doesn't ask this sort of things.Now I decide find the another field and do my sytle.I don't know when,but Absolutelly I will.

草ボーボー overgrown with weeds (japanese)


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オクラに蛙。Mr.Frog is on okura's leaf.


Mr.Frog is on Okura's leaf.
It's so pretty isn't it?


Mr.Frog was on my Vulcan(my motorbike)a few months ago. I took   okuras flowerthe photo,so I will put that photo soon.


This is Okura's Flowers.
I think it this look pretty!
Did you know How pretty okura's Flower is??

枝豆の花。Edamae's flower


I have been little bit busy these days.I'm sorry.
This is soy been's Flower.We call this been EDAMAME in Japanese.I don't know how to day in English.If someone knew it Plsease tell me.This is first time to see edamame's Flower!Have you ever seen it before??
See it is not a rose but very beatiful.If you live in a country,you can see beaty nature's everyday for free


This is edamame's baby.
This will be bigger and bigger!!

軽トラと甲子園 small track and KOUSHIEN baseball Game

This is small track(660cc),we call it K-TORA in Japan.This car is very useful,and a lot of fun.
If you see very carefully,you can see my teacher in back.


This summer,my high school is entry the kousien baseball game.This game is very traditional game every summer.
My school is a delegated east Tokyo.The school was boys school but now mixture.There were famous stupid school at that time but I loved that school.Now I don't know about them very much.


デカイおくら。Big an OKRA

big okura今日はオクラです。

Today is a big Okra!
This one is my teacher of veggi field old lady gave me.
It is huge,so I took the picture.Have you ever seen like this?



We had a large veges crop with out any agricultural chemicals and also we didn't pluck  weeds up.Veges are very strong,they don't need our help!! What great planet earth is  


pumpukins and water melon!!
see ! we don't need  an any chemicals!!



These are UZURA beans
I don't know uzura bean's in English.



Let's do growing your veges.It is not difficult just planted seeds and leave them alone

農薬は撒けないでしょ~ Can't sprinkled chemicals


This is Bazils flower.
They are very beatiful in my feild and so nice smell too.

まだ、梅雨があけず農作業的にはいまいちなシーズンのような気がします。さて、畑の師匠の婆ちゃんが除草剤を撒こうとしています。そもそも、僕は雑草が悪いとは思えず、しかも赤峰 勝人さんの講演を聞いてからというもの、なお更そう感じています。なので、雑草をほったらかしておいたのも、悪いのですが除草剤を撒いて綺麗にしようと思っているらしいのです。婆ちゃん悪気はなく、ただ昔からそうやって畑はやるものだというだけの事なのですが、僕にはNO-キョーさんの売上げに貢献しているだけな気がしてどうも納得がいきません。除草剤を撒かれるまえにガッツで草むしりをするしかなさそうです。早くNO除草剤、NO化学肥料、NO農薬で美味しい野菜を作れるようになりたいですな。



赤峰 勝人さんの講演会に行きました。

先日、赤峰 勝人さんの講演会に参加して来ました。
画像 132




Thursday, September 2, 2010

西湖にツーリング Touring to saiko.The saiko is one of five Mt. Fuji lake

画像 421It's my motor bike and frieds one.
My bike vulcan Kawasaki is front one,
My friends one is a steed Honda in back.
This summer is a very nice to ride a bike.Saiko(one of Mt fuji five lake)is so beatiful and quiet.

The other day,I went to saiko with the other friend.画像 422This is saiko's water look like!

It was so nice feeing so I took off my shoes and put my foot in lake.

35歳まだまだ若いです。サイコーです!!It was so good feeling,so finaly we dive into water with clothes on!!
We are still young,35years old.
It was a great day